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NPM report highlights concerns for detainees who are not being held in safe and decent conditions


The National Preventative Mechanism (NPM) is the United Kingdom’s structure for complying with its commitment to the United Nations Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT). In their Ninth Annual Report, published today, the NPM presents the findings of the 21 member organisations, including those of Lay Observers and IMBs.

During their visits and inspections, NPM members regularly highlighted a range of concerns about detainees not being held in safe and decent conditions. They also identified excessive or improper use of restraints on vulnerable detainees – children, those in mental health detention and those detained pending deportation.

The publication of the report comes ahead of the NPM’s tenth anniversary on 31 March 2019 and a year of scrutiny of the UK by the Committee Against Torture (CAT) in its periodic review of the UK followed by a visit from the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture.

Read the report in full here.